Quantum Photonics Theory

The Quantum Photonic Theory group focuses on both supporting experimental research within the Chair for Optical Quantum Technologies and conducting its own studies in quantum information theory. By developing theoretical models and analytical tools, the group provides essential insights that guide and complement experimental efforts in quantum photonics.
One of the primary areas of research is Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), a cornerstone of secure quantum communication. The group is particularly involved in improving reconciliation methods for discrete-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution (DM-CV-QKD) systems. This work is closely integrated with experimental research carried out by the “Quantum Networks” and “Free Space Quantum Communication and Quantum Sensing” groups, aiming to enhance the reliability and efficiency of quantum communication protocols.
Beyond applied research, the group also delves into foundational aspects of quantum mechanics. More than a century after its development, quantum mechanics continues to raise profound questions about the nature of reality. The group investigates key conceptual issues, such as wave-particle duality and Bell’s theorem, which challenge classical intuitions and deepen our understanding of quantum theory. Through this combination of applied and theoretical research, the Quantum Photonic Theory group contributes to advancing both the practical applications and fundamental insights of quantum science.