Practical Quantum Security and CubeSats — New Frontiers in Quantum Communication
Sender board for QKD
The group explores advancements in quantum communication, with a focus on practical quantum security and integrated technologies for satellite-based quantum communication.
By developing system architectures for quantum communication networks and integrating quantum technologies into CubeSats, the group contributes to the future of secure global communication networks.
The group advances practical quantum security by developing novel system architectures and components thereof for real-world use-cases of quantum-security. These developments enabled a series of demonstration experiments for the use-case of future governmental quantum-secure communication networks.
The group is also working on satellite missions that test and implement quantum protocols, including quantum random number generation and the transmission of optical quantum states using photonic-integrated circuits. Ongoing efforts aim to integrate components for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) into CubeSats. These developments mark a significant contribution toward practical and economic space-based quantum communication.
In the cross-section of these topics, the group also investigates the fundamental and applied challenges of quantum communication, evaluating the capabilities and limitations of existing technologies. By exploring innovative solutions, it aims to push the frontiers of quantum communication.